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You know your customer is on Facebook. EVERYONE is on Facebook, right? However, you keep asking yourself the same questions: "How do I find my customer on Facebook?" You have tried, unsuccessfully, in the past to run Facebook Ads - you are fed up and tired of wasting money on Paid Social without seeing any results. If this sounds like you, then you've come to the right place. At Two Six, our paid media program is led by media managers who know how to find your customer...every. single. time.​


How can I target properly in Facebook Ads?

If you have ever asked yourself this question, then you are not alone. We talk to (literally) 50 business owners a week who have the same question.


The answer is: you have to set up your account in a way that allows for a rigorous testing structure. No one knows right off the bat what the best targeting method in Facebook is for your particular product or service, if they did they would be rich and on a beach somewhere. The key to targeting properly and PROFITABLY on Facebook is to set up a system where you can learn and iterate. That's what we do at Two Six. We set up your account in a way that guarantees we will find the most profitable targeting method for your business on Facebook Ads.

"TC has been nothing short of incredible for us! Incredibly smart, gifted, and responsive. Always does what he says he is going to do and helps to keep on top of trends in digital ad spend. Very grateful to work with him!"


-Chris Himel

CEO, Healing Hand

Digital social media

Stop wasting money on Facebook Ads. Do it right or don't do it at all.

Two Six has a proven system to correctly target your ideal customer on Facebook. We do not throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks - we utilize best in class audience building practices combined with dynamic design work and a scientific testing structure. 


Our Facebook Ads system leverages a variety of mechanisms within the ad platform that give us an edge:


  • Proper Pixel installation

  • Lookalike Audiences (LLA)

  • Campaign Bidding Optimization (CBO)

  • Dynamic Product Ads (DPA)

  • Video Ads

  • HTML5 or GIFs

  • Event Testing

  • Retargeting

  • Realtime Reporting

The first step in any Facebook engagement is to conduct an audit and ensure that proper ad infrastructure is installed. This involves getting the Facebook pixel properly installed, having access to full funnel event analysis, and building the best audiences for your industry. Once infrastructure is installed, you can then can then set up a proper Facebook Ads testing structure that ensures performance.

Business Meeting

What you get from Two Six's Paid Social Management Services:

Pixel Installation & Management

Retargeting & Lookalike Audiences

Google Analytics Integration

Revenue-based Reporting

Live Dashboard

Best-in-class Account Management

City Skyline

Let Two Six build you a Facebook Ads strategy that is as efficient as it is scalable.

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